Global technology has evened the field in terms of access to resources, people, commodities and ideas on a massive scale. It is constantly redefining the way we interact with, and evolve within, geographical, social, economic and political settings. Now more than ever before, people are being proactive in regards to the choices they make about where they want to lead their lives, what ideologies they most align with, and how to make the most out of opportunities that were, until very recently, exclusive to a socioeconomic elite. However, with such a gigantic platform and this wide reach, it is important to be reminded that actions, as small as they might start out, may have enormous consequences enhanced by this unprecedented capacity to spread.

Globalization is the highlight of the contemporary era, with media easily reaching most parts of the world, sharing views and ideas as well as influence in both ways became a major act in how the world is evolving. With internet being available almost everywhere, televisions and other informative ways of communication, individuals around the globe found themselves in front of a nearly infinite source of information, where anyone can freely express themselves without concrete limit. How did communication get over these limits or boundaries, how can globalization movements be this diverse but at the same time very selective and how did this evolution impact human lives on multiple scales?

Globalization, Geographic and National Boundaries

Globalization means bringing together different places of the world to make it a global world, it also refers to the promotion of flows of goods, services and individuals, as well as the development of free trade and this based on policies of deregulation. Obviously, the free movement of factors of production: labor and capital, has many advantages, for instance improving the quality of life of individuals at work by reducing costs, or even the ease of access to different foreign cultures. Yet there are several types of borders that limit territories, the reason why in this paragraph we will focus on geographic boundaries. In fact the geographic boundary has an important function because it preserves the territory in which the State exercises its power. Furthermore, this type of boundaries is characterized in particular by the existence of the airports which monitor the papers and bags in order to ensure the security of their land boundaries. Otherwise, the boundaries in Europe don’t have the same value as in the countries of other seas due to Schengen space; consequently European citizens can cross the boundary of other countries belonging to the European Union without being subject to limiting constraints since the mobility between these countries is considered internal mobility. On the other hand, controls at the external borders of the Schengen area are very strong. Truly, we immediately think that boundaries are drawn only between the States of the European Union and the States outside this Union. However, in this era of Coronavirus, we have noticed that not only the external boundaries which are closed but also the internal boundaries of the Schengen space, in other words Schengen space restriction. This action aims to avoid any threat to public health. This event shows that the geographic boundaries remain inviolable even in a globalized world, boundaries always form limits and this manifested plainly with the Coronavirus which could have closed each country its geographic boundaries.

One of the significant impacts of globalization is the forming of a new and recognizable class of people belonging to a nascent worldwide culture. As enrollment in this new global culture rises, numerous critics locate a danger to national societies, coming about potentially in the inevitable outdated nature. We consider the patterns driving the development of this recently rising worldwide culture, the procedure by which new individuals are associated into it, the qualities, or highlights, that give off an impression of being engaging of its individuals, and the effect of this culture on the outdated nature of national societies. At last, while it’s ridiculous to expect that the development of this global culture will substitute national societies, we, all the same, came to the conclusion that national societies must be adjustable and capable to highlight the captivation of their fundamental components if they aim to successfully remain pertinent.

Globalization and Political Boundaries

In political scope, globalization has created several evolutions which some of them are as follows:


Democracy is a Greek word which derives of “kratia” and “demos”, meaning “home rule”. Mainly, there are two classes definitions of democracy :

  • An outlook that argued democracy as a governance method.
  • Another that argued democracy as values.


Some theoreticians believe that in globalization process, the concentration of supervision was transferred from national state to sub governmental, non-governmental and ultra-governmental organizations. In other words, in globalization age, the method of governance has completely changed.

New Political Actors

Another impact of globalization on politics is the appearance of new political actors in national, regional and global scopes, beside the change in location of some old and traditional actors.

To conclude, globalization  has surely had several outcomes on many distinct scopes around the world and on the history of human beings’ existence. This has undeniably restructured the world with all his continents and nations and developed their abilities to a certain degree that guaranteed the enhancement of life’s achievements, considering different domains such as economy, politics, health…
Whether we accept it or not, by any means possible, globalization was the main factor of collision and cohesion of cultures, generations, folk, religions… and will always be the leader of the global state, but also the primary reason of new issues and new challenges for humanity.




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