Confinement seems to jeopardize social ties, as we can no longer see family, friends, colleagues and we are deprived from the satisfaction that work can bring.
“Meanwhile, a study shared by found that 36% of sellers predict that their sales will actually decrease due to supply chain problems, shipping delays and declining demand.
At the start of March, 50% оf ship departures were canceled in Chinese ports. The rate of replenishment of these which appeared varied from 10 to 30%, causing the break in supply chains in many companies.
Virtual education is now part of the planning agenda of most organizations concerned with education and training.
As economists we have the responsibility to think about the economic impacts, and summarize how they are going to change expectations, policies, strategies, and behaviors.
The outbreak of this epidemic will directly affect Morocco in its vital sectors, especially tourism, industry, trade, transport and the banking sector
Communicating within the global economy has an impact on the business communication and the workplace, so the use of technical communication tools has become necessary, especially in our current crisis.
When designing an e-learning service, accessibility and support for students should be considered. It is necessary to apprehend and anticipate all the obstacles that can hinder learning.
Although distance learning appears to be the best alternative in the current situation, there have been some major struggles that both educators and students had to deal with.