Can you imagine running a business without communication? If yes, then you may have serious efficiency problems that would…
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” (G. B. Shaw). Despite being short, this quote sums up everything that can be said about the importance of mastering communication in our human relationships. Besides, as in any other field of life, communication has also a primordial place in business.
Employees from different cultures are characterized by linguistic, legal, social, ethnic and religious specificities particular to each of them. This can limit the flow of communication by causing misunderstandings.
Critical thinking, therefore, involves thinking clearly and rationally, as well as understanding the logical connections between ideas.
Cоmраniеs thаt соmmuniсаtе mоrе еffесtivеly with thеir еmрlоyееs аnd саrе аbоut thеir орiniоns gеt mоrе sаtisfасtiоn аnd lоyаlty
« Communication-the human connection-is the key to personal and career success ». According to Paul J. Mayer every success is driven by…
“Leaders of the future will need to have a lot more sensitivity and global empathy, not just for people from their own countries, but also for people from different countries and cultures”, Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan and Renault.
Cultural awareness shapes how business firms behave in cross-culturally reflected international markets. It is broadly recognized that cultural factors act as invisible barriers in international business communications. Understanding cultural differences is one of the most significant skills for firms to develop in order to have a competitive advantage in international business.