Rather than just “accountability”, management control needs to take on a greater share of governance of activities and resources
Communication skills help to build and inspire people to work towards organizational goals; in this article, we’re going to…
Cоmраniеs thаt соmmuniсаtе mоrе еffесtivеly with thеir еmрlоyееs аnd саrе аbоut thеir орiniоns gеt mоrе sаtisfасtiоn аnd lоyаlty
Virtual education is now part of the planning agenda of most organizations concerned with education and training.
« Communication-the human connection-is the key to personal and career success ». According to Paul J. Mayer every success is driven by…
Global technology has evened the field in terms of access to resources, people, commodities and ideas on a massive scale. It is constantly redefining the way we interact with, and evolve within, geographical, social, economic and political settings.
As economists we have the responsibility to think about the economic impacts, and summarize how they are going to change expectations, policies, strategies, and behaviors.
Since effective communication between workers is a key part for any company’s success, it is obviously necessary for business leaders to recognize its importance in making the objectives clear for everyone, and to know the different basic forms of communication to implement in the workplace.
If you ask any manager what mission is most important to them, they will often say “motivate employees”. The…